Keys to Cultural Excellence

Imamu Tomlinson, MD, MBA, on how to nurture an organizational culture that values team accomplishment over individual success, as published in Harvard Business Review.

Imamu Tomlinson, MD, MBA, CEO of Vituity

Imamu Tomlinson , MD, MBA

CEO of Vituity and President of Vituity Cares

Published May 18, 2022

Key takeaways:

  • A top-down approach to leadership rarely results in a team that feels it can truly change the world. Making a difference requires a model in which everyone has a sense of ownership and autonomy.
  • Front line clinical teams see firsthand the barriers patients face in accessing care and should be included in strategic planning and targeted change initiatives.
  • An organization creates a culture of brilliance by nurturing an environment where passion thrives and success comes through unified purpose.

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