These events provide nurturing and educational opportunities to minority medical residents seeking support for their career journeys. Hosted by Vituity and open to the entire healthcare industry, these events help to build a pipeline for a more diverse and representative clinical workforce.
American College of Emergency Physicians
Vituity and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) partner each year to host the Executive Leadership Diversity Summit, offering higher-level conversations from the perspective of minority healthcare executives – on issues ranging from the importance of diversity in healthcare management and governance to addressing the unique social and professional challenges facing minority executives today.
The Dr. Wes Curry Award
The Dr. Wes Curry Award at each year’s summit recognizes innovation, collaboration, and culture-building by diverse healthcare leaders. The award’s namesake, Dr. Wes Curry, is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and was Vituity’s CEO for over 20 years. As a trailblazing minority healthcare executive, he is an active mentor and coach to many aspiring healthcare leaders.
Health Equity Strategy Group
Launching in 2021, the new Health Equity Strategy Group is led by our clinical performance leaders and brings together Vituity’s DEI and education teams for a visionary project that will imagine new ways to care for patients with a focus on equal and equitable care standards.