Gregg Miller


Vituity Chief Medical Officer

Gregg Miller Md Chief Medical Officer

Gregg Miller, MD, is Chief Medical Officer at Vituity, overseeing performance-improvement programs and the development and dissemination of best practices across all clinical levels and specialties. He provides leadership in the areas of risk management, quality, continuing medical education, CMS performance, patient experience, operations flow, and data management.


Prior to being appointed CMO, Dr. Miller was Program Director of Quality and Performance for Emergency Medicine for Vituity. He has served as the Medical Director for the emergency departments at San Joaquin Community Hospital and Swedish Edmonds Hospital and has been involved in the implementation of multiple operational and quality-related initiatives.


Dr. Miller earned his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, and completed his residency in emergency medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He extended his education as an administrative fellow with Vituity, where he focused on CMS quality-related programs.


In addition to his work with Vituity, Dr. Miller sits on the American College of Emergency Physicians Quality and Performance Committee.


Quality Improvement


Dr. Miller leads a team of quality improvement experts who develop and implement programs to improve the quality of medical care around the country. Key innovations developed and scaled by his team include Emergency Psychiatric Intervention (EPI), new standardized clinical pathways that improve quality, integration and throughput for patients, and a robust quality and performance data analytics program that supports continuous improvement.


Clinician Wellness


The need for thoughtful, evidence-based approaches to provider wellness has never been greater. An estimated forty-seven percent of physicians currently experience burnout. Many cite administrative burden, poor workplace culture, and long hours as their top stressors.


At Vituity, Dr. Miller leads a robust wellness program that encompasses individual resilience, organizational culture, and systemic change. He believes that the same quality and efficiency improvements that benefit patients also uplift clinicians. To this end, he has championed integrated clinical pathways, team-based care models, and expanded roles for nonclinical staff. He has also led a series of learning collaboratives to help clinical teams effect rapid quality improvement within their hospitals.


COVID-19 Response


Dr. Miller led Vituity’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, educating Vituity’s more than 5,000 clinicians on the latest medical knowledge and treatment advances at every stage of the pandemic. His leadership and deep clinical expertise were sought out by trade and national media, and Dr. Miller became a frequently consulted expert in Fierce Healthcare, Axios, Fortune, and other national publications.

Gregg Miller, MD, is Chief Medical Officer at Vituity, overseeing performance-improvement programs and the development and dissemination of best practices across all clinical levels and specialties. He provides leadership in the areas of risk management, quality, continuing medical education, CMS performance, patient experience, operations flow, and data management.


Prior to being appointed CMO, Dr. Miller was Program Director of Quality and Performance for Emergency Medicine for Vituity. He has served as the Medical Director for the emergency departments at San Joaquin Community Hospital and Swedish Edmonds Hospital and has been involved in the implementation of multiple operational and quality-related initiatives.


Dr. Miller earned his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, and completed his residency in emergency medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He extended his education as an administrative fellow with Vituity, where he focused on CMS quality-related programs.


In addition to his work with Vituity, Dr. Miller sits on the American College of Emergency Physicians Quality and Performance Committee.


Quality Improvement


Dr. Miller leads a team of quality improvement experts who develop and implement programs to improve the quality of medical care around the country. Key innovations developed and scaled by his team include Emergency Psychiatric Intervention (EPI), new standardized clinical pathways that improve quality, integration and throughput for patients, and a robust quality and performance data analytics program that supports continuous improvement.


Clinician Wellness


The need for thoughtful, evidence-based approaches to provider wellness has never been greater. An estimated forty-seven percent of physicians currently experience burnout. Many cite administrative burden, poor workplace culture, and long hours as their top stressors.


At Vituity, Dr. Miller leads a robust wellness program that encompasses individual resilience, organizational culture, and systemic change. He believes that the same quality and efficiency improvements that benefit patients also uplift clinicians. To this end, he has championed integrated clinical pathways, team-based care models, and expanded roles for nonclinical staff. He has also led a series of learning collaboratives to help clinical teams effect rapid quality improvement within their hospitals.


COVID-19 Response


Dr. Miller led Vituity’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, educating Vituity’s more than 5,000 clinicians on the latest medical knowledge and treatment advances at every stage of the pandemic. His leadership and deep clinical expertise were sought out by trade and national media, and Dr. Miller became a frequently consulted expert in Fierce Healthcare, Axios, Fortune, and other national publications.

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“Too often when providers feel overwhelmed, organizations prescribe yoga and motivational speakers and gym memberships without addressing the deeper issues. We need to focus more on issues like practice efficiency and overall organizational culture.”

Gregg Miller, MD

Vituity Chief Medical Officer

Partnering to improve patient lives

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