Frontline-Driven Innovation –
a commitment to our patients

Healthcare is high stakes, and lives depend on clinicians’ skills and actions. As healthcare leaders, we owe it to our patients to never stop innovating.


From Rapid Medical Evaluation® to Emergency Psychiatric Intervention, Vituity clinicians have developed and shared innovations that have transformed patients’ lives.


Vituity has been committed to innovating care delivery for over 50 years. We are a leader in the development and refinement of frontline solutions that improve quality, patient experience, clinician experience, and practice efficiency.

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Innovation begins at the bedside

Frontline clinicians represent the industry’s greatest innovation assets. As the closest connection to patients, they often know solutions to the real-world problems that keep healthcare leaders awake at night.

Innovation begins at the bedside

Frontline clinicians represent the industry’s greatest innovation assets. As the closest connection to patients, they often know solutions to the real-world problems that keep healthcare leaders awake at night.

Collaborative learning drives innovation

Collaborative learning drives innovation

Since 2013, collaborative learning has been an essential feature of the Vituity landscape and a critical component of practice success. Each collaborative is comprised of a group of clinicians interested in quality or performance improvement in specific areas. Participants spend nine months learning and being coached by our faculty of experts and facilitators. 

More than 100 practices have participated in Vituity collaboratives, including several dedicated collaboratives across a single health system. Focus areas have included patient flow, length of stay, team culture, and patient experience. 

Innovation grant program

Vituity’s Innovation Grant program nurtures fresh ideas to improve healthcare delivery. Each year, Vituity funds projects pitched by frontline team members designed to improve patient experience, support clinical integration, transform healthcare delivery, and empower clinicians to achieve joy in medicine.

The grant program aims to design and implement solutions that can be replicated across Vituity practices. Our frontline providers work together to bring their best ideas to fruition.

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Through our industry-leading Innovation Grant program, health systems and their patients benefit from the development of new care delivery models designed by teams at the front lines of medicine. I’m proud of the entrepreneurial spirit supported by this program and the way it empowers clinical teams to create solutions that are setting a new standard in care."

Rick Newell, MD

Rick Newell, MD

Chief Transformation Officer at Vituity

In 2020, Vituity launched Inflect Health, as a dedicated innovation hub. With a focus on the future of medicine, Inflect Health partners with and invests in early-stage healthcare and health-tech startups.


As part of Vituity, Inflect Health has access to thousands of doctors, clinicians, and key industry stakeholders. This access allows Inflect Health to not only provide investment, but also first-hand development support by connecting innovators to physicians and patients in real-time. This unique approach to investment and support increases the opportunity for success and continues to strengthen Vituity’s history of healthcare transformation.



In 2020, Vituity launched Inflect Health, as a dedicated innovation hub. With a focus on the future of medicine, Inflect Health partners with and invests in early-stage healthcare and health-tech startups.


As part of Vituity, Inflect Health has access to thousands of doctors, clinicians, and key industry stakeholders. This access allows Inflect Health to not only provide investment, but also first-hand development support by connecting innovators to physicians and patients in real-time. This unique approach to investment and support increases the opportunity for success and continues to strengthen Vituity’s history of healthcare transformation.



Partnering to improve patient lives

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